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Everything posted by TopL0ader

  1. @Arena Coach @Evolution Coach @PFL Coach @PS4 Coach @PS4 Commissioner @Xbox Commissioner Another little update for you guys. (Applications in the menu bar) Now an application system is in place whereby you can apply for staff jobs, commissioner vacancies and come Madden 20 apply to be in the franchises we will be running. This system is a great bit of kit for us admin, it will promote members into the relevant groups upon successful application ie: apply to join PS4 Evolution Franchise and successful it will promote you from member to Evo Coach and all the permissions that comes with the profile. It also places a thread within our staff forums for those with access to discuss each application. Onwards and upwards TopL0ader
  2. Hi all, Please can you assign your chosen teams by editing your profile. In the edit profile page please scroll down to Xbox/PS4 user teams and select your team. This will then assign your teambars to your profile. I have completed a small update in that you will now be able to click on the teambars and it will direct you to daddyleagues.com specific team within your franchise. This will be of benefit when scouting teams, trades for yourself and commissioners, and wanting to look at yours or others teams as and when you desire. Thank you and hope you all are liking the layout tweaks @Arena Coach @Evolution Coach @PFL Coach @PS4 Coach @PS4 Commissioner @Xbox Commissioner @Staff @VIP
  3. @Xbox Commissioner One will be in touch... Welcome back to the site buddy
  4. @Arena Coach @Evolution Coach @PFL Coach @PS4 Coach @PS4 Commissioner @Xbox Commissioner Can I ask you all to reassign your user teams for each franchise following a little update? You will now be able to click your team within the profile and it will direct you to that team on daddyleagues.com. This should save time etc when anybody needs to view a members team (trades and trade approvals etc) EDIT Profile > Select PS4 or Xbox User teams
  5. @Xbox Commissioner @PS4 Commissioner You guys can now tag an entire group for ease of use in fixtures, and any league announcements. I will later this evening break the profiles up again into franchise groups ie: Arena Coaches/PFL Coaches/PS4 PFL Coaches/Evolution coaches. Im just trying to reduce your workloads guys
  6. Update to user postbits (the bit to the left of the posts with user details) * Added PFL customised superbowl rings (depending on if you have won any of course!) @RamsDan request * Added rank images as opposed to just text
  7. It would be the last time you used it.. Think you have to change your signature in your tapatalk profile
  8. Tapatalk plugin has been added to the site. Please feel free to explore and pass opinion Link to download for mobiles
  9. Hi buddy, welcome to the site Apologies in my delay saying "hello" but work has been a biatch... Welcome to your new home for SIM CFM madden football
  10. Due to the change of server I have managed to save on the monthly fee by paying in advance and moving to a database in London. Therefore VIP's and subscriber's I offer now a discount of a massive £1. The subscription cost in PayPal will be altered this evening reducing the requested £4 to £3 per month. If you would like to continue paying £4pm I won't stop you as all the funds go back into MaddenPFL. Please drop me a PM if you so require
  11. New server vs old server pings from various countries
  12. Going to attempt this evening moving our servers to a UK VPS. This should improve the speeds for UK /Euro members. If successful the server is more powerful, more memory, larger hard drives and overall more efficient. Good news there also cheaper monthly. The servers and all services will go down this evening including the forum's. Please do not worry a back up will be made and should problems arise the existing server will be brought back online. Thank you in advance for your patience
  13. I have put the old css and js back up due to a few issues folk are having. Please clear your cached daddyleagues.com images and files in your browser for the change to take effect
  14. Cascading style sheets dictate where the attributes are displayed as a row or column. Each device (PC, tab, mobile) have different resolutions and I am trying to write the css for most. Its impossible to design for all. I would expect if you rotated your ipad (portrait to landscape) it would display perfect.
  15. I'll attempt to fix late this evening bud
  16. Once you click search does the box dissappear. If not I'll have a configure this evening
  17. You guys are taking over here! We were upto Madden19 a community mainly for Xbox but there has been a mass influx of Team Blue gamers
  18. Welcome to the site buddy Are you a Xbox (Team Green) or PlayStation (Team Blue) gamer? We are all pretty much fast on or working nights at 4am on here so you should have no issues on that front.. We do have a few members from a cross the pond but they play on our EU times.. What site was you playing on out of interest? How did you hear about us? Again welcome
  19. @Beyond The Game @Aaron @aidopotato
  20. Take care buddy. Wife before us lot, we'll be here when she is better pal. Give Mrs DaBurg864 my best, both in my thoughts
  21. New groups created for the coaches/commissioners within PFL Team Blue - (PS4 Coaches) & (PS4 Commissioners) Team Green - (Xbox Coaches) & (Xbox Commissioners) I will now be able to retrieve content, reputation and other stats for Blue vs Green.
  22. Little update to the site in terms of layout. Xbox (Team Green) & PS4 (Team Blue) have had their respective forums split. This is for ease of use and PS4 are deserving of their own forums. Looking to the future and possibility of implementing Team Green vs Team Blue competitions on site and comparisons of activity, posts, tweets, streamed games. Just to get us Team Green's motivated here's what the Blue leader @Beyond The Game is preaching to his Blue clan Fight time Green's!
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