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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Just another update, they still haven't sorted it out Another few weeks apparently, I'll stay on it
  2. Blackpool is on GMT so shouldn't be an issue
  3. Welcome to the site mate
  4. Just an update on this, I rung up today as I thought it had been a while but they still haven't finalised details, they recommended to call back in a month so I'll try mid-August
  5. Nothing at all unfortunately mate. Couple of people who might have it on both consoles like @Beyond The Game but no organised setup
  6. On holiday from Sunday 30th April to Tuesday 16th May
  7. Was going to start a thread up for next year because they called me on Friday with regards to booking again already. But when I called back for details they basically don't have any So what she did is basically booked the table again for the same number (17) and as soon as they finalise details she will call me and firm up the booking, which is when I'll take deposits and firm up numbers. Obviously the people who came this year will get first priority BUT I don't anticipate it being a problem extending or lowering numbers so yous have all got a couple of months to decide if you want to come or not @StueyH111 @RamsDan @MackemJet @DaBurg864 @ThePacFish @Ramburgers @fcumkev9898 @RainbowDoc @Rigglar @HLR Milo @TopLoader @Carlos2478 @Jakey Fantastic @Rickyt @Mcmanus
  8. I hate it personally. The draft should be based on ability only, but that is only my opinion. You can absolutely make the argument that if someone is a more active member they deserve a better pick, but personally for me it's ability only Like I said earlier and actually DABURGGGGG has said, you're always going to have people who just don't take as much part as others, that's never going to change. It's been the same going back to the F365 days. I was the first to regularly stream my games on here and I don't think that's particularly worthy of having a higher pick than someone who does, although some coach of the year awards wouldn't go amiss
  9. What are you going to reward them with, a cuddle?
  10. What is the 'right direction'? I think everyone should stream their games but you don't, does that mean you need a nudge in the right direction too? I'm for scrapping the rule. While I see the good in the idea, it was done too half bummed, bringing in a rule but not punishing anyone for breaking it is pointless. You're always going to have people who put in different levels of effort to the community, never going to change that. If you start to punish people you will see coaches walk away
  11. IIRC it was just doc and his mate, milo and Kev who already lives in Manchester this year
  12. Kev is, doc isn't. Not sure who else is there tonight
  13. I've set up a whatsapp group for sorting stuff out over the weekend, drop me a message and I'll add you in 07891663814
  14. Table opens up from 10pm Its usually drinks in the Shakespeare in the afternoon, food in wetherspoons later on then HRC at 10
  15. Gonna have to list myself as questionable at the moment, been ill since Sunday and don't seem to be getting any better, fingers crossed for the weekend!
  16. Joe x 1StueyH x 1RamsDan x 1MackemJet x 1Pacfish X 1Ramburgers X 1FCUMKev x 1RainbowDoc x 2Jakey Fantastic x 1Milo x 1Toploader X 1Carlos x 1 Mcmanus x 1 Rickyt x 1 Updated list. There's now 2 spare paid for seats if anyone want to make a last minute thing of it
  17. Fair enough man. I feel you, we bought our house last year and it's tough initially, got to do what's right for your family. If you change your mind and need any help let me know
  18. That sucks. You can't just hop a cheap flight direct to Manchester and stay in the premier inn with us? Sorry to hear anyway
  19. @Rigglar pulled out and was happy to gift the seat Jakey
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