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MaddenPFL Needs You

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MaddenPFL Needs you! 

At present the community is running at a loss especially when the domain, themes, Invision community forum licence all need renewing. 

The current VIP subscriptions do not cover the basic costs and I am having to fund the difference each month/year. 

I have never minded but with current difficulties we all face I am no longer in a position to pay the excess. 

Please feel free if you're enjoying MaddenPFL to donate whatever you can afford be it only a pound or two as it all makes a difference. 

Thank you in advance for your support. 


MaddenPFL is kept alive by our dedicated community chipping in to cover the running costs of the website, from hosting to software licenses and so on. To ensure the longevity of MaddenPFL and if you can afford it, help with a small donation and/or with a monthly donation. VIP status comes with it, but ensuring that MaddenPFL is around for the long haul is an even better perk.




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