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Status Updates posted by Matty2pac

  1. Just heard the Boreham Wood lot were taunting miller about his girlfriend. If so, they can rot in the conference for all I care

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. cherriesfan


      Bournemouth originally but portsmouth now ,

    3. cherriesfan


      Still support AFCB tho

    4. Matty2pac


      Tbf Bournmouth raped us every time we played you guys last year. The 4-1 loss in the cup up here was depressing

  2. I bought NBA as I heard it was simple to pick up and had a good career to do as a player. I have spent the last week screaming at the TV when my player misses a lay up

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Riverman


      Game sucks, i am ok in myplayer offensively but cant defend, in the association, i am getting humped harder than dickie down the docks when a boat full of sailors comes in

    3. Goldenbeard


      Practice, boys, practice! I'm happy to have friendlies and show you a few things. Also take on board Gooner's advice!

    4. Matty2pac


      I'm 0-15 in the association lol

  3. Screwed in the GM, have 4 away games on the spin.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matty2pac


      No phil, but to be fair I am at home 6,7,8 and 9! Fixture computer WTF?

    3. aje14


      Last season I had 5 of my 8 home games in the last 6 games of the season. By then fans had decided the team was crap so I only made about $2M per game!

    4. Matty2pac


      Just beat the Bucs, surely that will help? I just need them to hang in for a while and buy shirts for now

  4. Not having European football is certainly made easier by watching s**tty and Liverpool f**k up...

    1. Reaper KH

      Reaper KH

      salute that one sir lol

  5. The awkward moment when the man aje trades up to get the man you desperately want in the draft

    1. aje14


      I wanted him since I saw his name. Once I realised he was Awesome....well

  6. Well done Kav, Ben Amos in on loan. t

  7. Johnson starting for England, come on Roy wise up

  8. Greg Fleming?WTF? Come on Kav sign a keeper

  9. Go on Liam Noble! Batter those Boreham Wood players!!!!

  10. Mark Gillespie out for 8 weeks!!!! Get someone in on loan Kav or we are screwed, really

  11. Paddy Madden been transfer listed by Yeovil. Looks like Abbott knew what he was doing after all :)

  12. Great Result for CUFC yesterday!!!! Bring on Man U away

  13. Sunderland away!! Great draw for CUFC

  14. Wow. I don't actually think Romo wants to win NFC East. But Philly's defence doesn't want to win either

  15. Great 2-2 result for Carlisle tonight, lost my voice though. Ref was a knob

  16. What's that coming over the hill? Pascal Chimbonda, Pascal Chimbonda!!!!!

  17. Stoke away in the cap cup, will be fine as long as the pea plays

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