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Posts posted by DavoteK

  1. Just a quick bit of info for you.

    This weekend, I'll be upgrading the forum to the latest version.

    During this time, I will be looking to merge the databases for here and FLM. This means if you are logged in here, you are logged in there if you choose to access it.

    We are also launching another site in February, ProEvoNetwork.com, the roots of both here and FLM, where it all began if you will.

    It will host a Pro Evo League and will also be part of this single signin setup that I'm bringing in for MaddenPFLs forum and FLMs forum.

    Anyway, this means if you see random errors or can't access the forum, its because of this upgrade that I'm doing


  2. Super Davo, i know us write folk will be aiming to keep the page updated with fresh articles :pfl:

    Good stuff bud, I'll be looking to get a little meeting going mid week to go over how to create and submit articles. Might be worth you jumping in on that as well if available :up:

  3. As some of you may know, our site got hacked a while back, meaning we had to start from scratch. The software we were using was, I though, final and secure, but in the meantime there were 2 security updates that were missed, which allowed some sad prick to f**k with it.

    Anyway, new site up and running, its bare ass, it will have a lot of additions to it in the week, content is what I'm after on there, which is where you lovely people come in.

    As it gets more and more content, you'll see it become a better looking site, because at the moment, its the same 2 or 3 articles repeating and I've had to switch a few modules off because of this.

    Once we're up and running with all modules, it will look slick.

    Forum is due for an update in the next couple of weeks as well. More info on that soon.

  4. Site goes up today lads.

    Had a f**king nightmare December and didn't have time to get it all sorted.


    Your friendly neighbourhood South American/Welsh Dictator

  5. When I first came to the site this morning (maddenpfl.com) it told me it was down for maintenance and then it wouldn't recognize my username and password. However it did tell me that the forums were still available at maddenpfl.com/forums

    Don't know if it's just normal maintenance or something else but thought I'd let you know anyway!

    Yeah, as Rigglar said, site is down for maintenance, purely because its having issues.

    Forum is as well, awaiting a ticket to be responded to by the host.

    Gonna be a massive overhaul to correct it I think, but for now, if your browser isn't IE, you can use the forum.

    I hadn't been having problems on my phone, now I'm getting this..


    Settings > Safari > Clear Cookies & Data.

  6. I'm not on a damn soapbox! I'm just giving you MY opinion.

    Careful you don't get a nosebleed up there fella :shifty:

    I'm not asking you to agree with it just listen to it and give me an answer which you have just done.

    You didn't ask for an answer, you made a completely horse-s**t accusation (MY opinion that its horse s**t btw :D ) and tried to drum up a rabble and go around with pitchforks and torches and lynch an admin or three.

    I responded to that and shot it down. Simples.

    I just think that it would have been nice (since it effects everybody on the site) if you would have gotten everyone's opinion on what they thought about getting rid of the shoutbox, if the reasons for it had been outlined beforehand rather than just getting rid of it and then saying "it's gone now and tough! but you can still use it on what we (the admins) deem a special occasion, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    If I had my way, it would been removed completely, but the admins made a judgement call to keep it for things like gameday. Good shout by them IMO.

    While they will try and get you involved on decisions, if they did it for every single thing they did that effects the community, they'd get nowhere. Thats why they are the guys running it and make those decisions. Sometimes unpopular, but the s**t you were throwing about "us and them", utter bollox of the highest order. Pure sensationalism and completely unnecessary.

    Oh and my posts have been low because 1 - I've been busy working and 2 - most of what I have to say doesn't need a whole forum post!

    No worries, we all have commitments.

    Whole forum posts? Doesn't have to be war and peace each time :lol:

    and (again this is just my opinion) FIFA league manager is a new site (I'm assuming) so new posts are always going to be higher because it's new and shiny.

    This site is not even half a year old, so when it was new and shiny, what happened? Oh, thats right, shoutbox open from day one :lol:

    Listen, I'm not trying to p**s people off.

    Well, you did, so I'll probably p**s you off with my responses. Go about your responses/opinions a bit better, and I'll tread on egg shells a bit more, but you give it the big 'un, so will I :D

    I just think you could have gone about this a better way rather than saying we're admins so f**k the rest of you which is the way it's come across to me. (again, just my opinion)

    Again, thats why they are admins. They are steering the ship, responsible for 5 leagues, a large community and will do whats best to ensure its longevity. They are looking at the bigger picture, when you posted your responses, you weren't, which is why they are the admins, and you aren't.

    Now lets forget this and move on. :)

    Works for me.

  7. Agreed, the game is irrelevant, but i am very surprised we have more members than a Fifa league!

    Kept it small league sizes over there, because of the league structure we use. Its worked well.

    Thing is, I throw out comments like they are doing this and this and this better, I'm doing the same with them with regards to getting their games played on time, commitment to the leagues and so on, which they could learn a lot from this place, which is because of the two boss men on here, Riggs and Berty and what they've instilled into the PFL and MaddenPFL over the years.

    But yeah, I just like playing sibling sites against each other :evil:

  8. Davo, I wouldn't bee too keen on comparing us to Fifa, Madden is a niche game Fifa is not.


    You have more coaches than they do, you have a longer established community than they do, you have more leagues and you guys are bat s**t crazy about the game you play.

    The game is irrelevant.

    I'd use the same comparison if it was the other way around.

  9. I guess no one bothered to think that maybe the forums are quiet because it's the offseason.


    I brought this up about a week ago and the guys deliberated over it for a while before coming to this, the correct decision IMO.

    My reasoning was based on facts. One of the admins claimed it was off season and that was why there was a lull, to which I showed him some stats.

    Shoutbox, 20K+ shouts in there, since the last update I did when I cleared the shoutbox posts table.

    Forum, since April, 15k posts, when you take in to account that accompanies 3 leagues, thats quite pitiful.

    Your post stats are pretty much flat since May/June, so if you've been in a lull, its been nearly 3 months worth of lull.

    In contrast, sibling site, FIFA League Manager, less managers than coaches on here, been running 2 weeks, 15k posts already.

    And in my opinion, this absolutely smacks of an us and them mentality working it's way through the site and I don't like it!

    Are you for real? :lol:

    If it was :pleasantry: us and them :pleasantry: there'd be special perks for drafts, team selections, rule exemptions etc etc etc.

    As it stands, they are purely getting access to a tumbleweed shoutbox (and trust me, it will be dead, except for a few staff discussions and a few pleasantries, but they all know how important the forum is) for ensuring this site stays running, because 90% of the people ain't in there anymore and will be posting on the forum, or like you, shouting from your soapbox :lol:

  10. Davo i see where you guys are coming from 100%, i just love the shoutbox.

    Probably the reason why i prefer it and dont post a whole lot outside of my own league is that i post quite a bit on the Irish site and dont have the time to get into deep conversations on here, the shoutbox allows me to dip in and out

    Cool, but then everyone else is doing the same, so there's no actual discussion on the forum because people look in the shoutbox first, like you. Not a bad thing, its what your used to.

    Eventually, it'll be a case of jump on here, click View New Content, see a thread title that takes your fancy, see the ENTIRE discussion and throw a post in.

    Everyone will start doing that and BOOM, interaction.

    Then when Sunday comes around, something to look forward to, shoutbox open, banterfest over NFL. Its something we can promote as well.

  11. Is this purely about getting more posts so google sees the site as bigger?

    f**k google and any other search engine or ranking system.

    This is a Community orientated website with leagues thrown in to facilitate it, but the community aspect has been ignored, this is a way of re-directing some of that shoutbox interaction to forum interaction.

    I post a thread up, EVERYONE thats registered can read it. They can ALL reply to it, and I can get a few page discussion, which sometimes can go off on a tangent (best kinds of threads IMO, but I digress), but its interaction.

    I post the exact same topic up in the shoutbox, only the people online in the next 5 to 10mins can read that and respond to it. Someone changes the subject a bit, my discussion is gone. Hell, if I'm after some advice on something, I go get a drink, someone answers it, then two people post like f**k in there, I come back, its gone. I can re-ask it, but the guy that originally answered it has gone for a s**t and likes to read for a good hour while doing so, so I'm s**t out of luck.

    I do think more ramblings should be posted in blogs, read some great ones like Heli's and Rigglar's.

    The blogs are always awesome from the Madden guys. More pls.

  12. Lads, your community is non existant outside of the shoutbox and the league forums.

    In a day, the FIFA forum will post more than you guys do in 2 or 3 weeks and they have less league members than you guys do.

    No shoutbox at all over there.

    Majority of posts on the FIFA forum will come from guys on their phones. No shoutbox access if you're on a phone, so even while they are out and about, they can keep up with whats going on.

    On here, unless you're in front of a laptop or desktop, you are out of the loop and missing out on the alleged community which means being holed up in that shoutbox all day long.

    You've got the numbers, you've got the personalities, but you've gotten lazy and reliant on a shout box to converse.

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